Next Generation Project & Environmental Review Documents
Project Background and Purpose
A detailed Initial Study and Environmental Impact Report (EIR) were prepared for the original Marin Public Safety and Emergency Communication System EIR (SCH# 1999092073). The Initial Study identified potential impacts in five areas and the Draft EIR (MERA 1999), detailed the potential impacts to Land Use, Biological Resources, Aesthetic Resources, Radio Frequency (RF) Hazards and Cultural Resources. The Final EIR for the original MERA project was certified in November 2000 and was amended to include the Stewart Point (Martinelli) Site in 2006. These environmental studies remain valid for the sites and equipment evaluated. The Next Gen SEIR will evaluate the new environmental impacts resulting from the proposed MERA Next Gen System upgrades and will define compliance activities needed to address new regulations put into place since the original EIR was certified.
MERA Construction Bid Portal
Next Generation Project Documents
—Subsequent Environmental Impact Report (SEIR)
First Generation MERA Documents from 1999/2000