IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT: MERA is seeking new members for the Citizens Oversight Committee to fill the new terms for each supervisorial district

Apply to fill a position today. Want to learn more about the COC? Contact Executive Officer Heather Plamondon at

A Countywide Radio Communication System

Our Mission

MERA is a collection of public agencies formed in partnership to provide and operate a public safety radio system. As such, MERA provides a crucial communications delivery system that is interoperable between public agencies in order to efficiently and effectively facilitate critical (emergency) communications.

Vision Statement

MERA provides essential communications between and among local and regional public entities that serve all facets of public safety including Fire, Police, Public Works, Special Districts, Transportation and other Emergency Responders, to facilitate the protection of lives and property and enhance the safety of citizens, workers and visitors.

Core Values

The service and operational attributes of these Values shall serve as MERA’s organizational code of behavior:

Leadership: To set by example the standards we expect others to follow

Integrity: To maintain the highest ethical principles and act in a completely transparent manner that merits respect and confidence

Diversity: To respect the individual differences that provide a source of strength and enable a persistent team approach to identify and overcome obstacles

Empowerment: To encourage responsible decision-making at all levels

Continuous Quality Improvement: To continually strive to deliver the highest quality, responsive, timely, constantly improving public service to both internal and external clients

Fiscal Responsibility: To promote sound, fiscally-minded decision-making at all levels, without compromising service

The Marin Emergency Radio Authority (MERA) is a Joint Powers Authority in Marin County, California, formed in 1998 to plan, implement and manage a countywide public safety and emergency radio system for the use of all member agencies. This system helps unify public safety response and ensures communication among individual agencies and departments.

The system of 17 base station radio and receiver sites provides regional or countywide radio communications among dispatch centers and mobile units throughout the county. View a map of the system.

MERA is governed by a Governing Board comprised of representatives from the County of Marin, all cities, towns, and fire districts in Marin, and other special districts such as the Marin Municipal Water District. The Executive Officer and Operations Officer serve the Governing Board via contract.