Staff Reports
Board of Directors Meeting – May 19, 2010
Item A-01—Minutes from December 9, 2009 Special Meeting
Item A-02—Minutes from January 14, 2010, Regular Meeting
Item A-03—Proposed Agreement for FY09-10 Audit Services-Maher Accountancy
Letter from Maher Accountancy
Item A-04—First Amendmant to Office and Staff Services Agreement between MERA and Novato Fire Protection District
First Amendment to Office and Staff Services Agreement
Item A-05—Proposed Amendment No. 4 to Agreement for Professional Services between MERA and Regional Government Services
RGS Admendment No. 4 and Exhibit A
Item A-06—Proposed Amendment to Agreement for Strategic Planning Facilitation Services between MERA and CBG Communications, Inc.
Proposed Amendment to CBG Agreement
Item A-07—Proposal for Additional Records Management Implementation from Gladwell Governmental Services, Inc.
Proposal for Records Management Implementation-Gladwell Governmental Services, Inc.
Item A-08—Proposed MERA Cash Flow Management Policy and Procedures
Proposed MERA Cash Flow Management Policy and Procedures
Item A-09—Proposed MERA Investment Policy and Procedures
Proposed MERA Investment Policy and Procedures
Item A-10—Proposed Revised MERA Publics Records Policy and Procedures
Proposed Revised MERA Public Records Policies and Procedures
Item A-11—Proposed MERA Operating Budget Policy and Procedures
Proposed MERA Operating Budget Policy and Procedures
Item A-12—Proposed Resolution Terminating 1999 Revenue Bond Fund and Creating 2010 Refunding Revenue Bond Fund
Resolution Terminating 1999 Revenue Bond Fund and Creating 2010 Refunding Revenue Bond Fund
Item A-13—Proposed Change of Regular Board Meeting Day and Time
Item B-1—Final Report on Refunding of MERA’S 1999 Revenue Bonds
Item B-2—Final Report on Investment of 2010 Refunding Bond Reserve
Item B-3—Proposed Emergency Communications System Maintenance Agreement Between MERA and County of Marin
Summary of Changes-Proposed 5 Year Maintenance Agreement Between MERA and County
Proposed Emergency Communications System Maintenance Agreement Between the MERA and the County of Marin
Item B-4—Proposed Agreement Between MERA and County of Marin to provise Funding for Communications Engineering Services
Proposed Communications Engineering Services Agreement Between MERA and County of Marin
Item C-1—Proposed FY10-11 MERA Operating Budget
Proposed FY10-11 MERA Operating Budget with Exhibits 1 and 2
Proposed Member Agency Contribution Schedule
Item C-2—Proposed FY10-11 MERA Other Budgets and Reserves
Proposed FY10-11 Member Agency Contributions-Fund 70032 New Project Financing-2007 Bank Note
Budgets and Reserves Resolution for Agenda Items B-3 and B-4
MERA 2010 Servive Payment Calculation Sheet
MERA Chart of Reserves Funds-5/12/10
Item D-1—Report on Capacity Improvement Project-MERA System Upgrade Information
Item D-2—MERA Expansion Project-Change Order #1 for Motorola Capacity Improvement Project
Item D-3—Report on Coverage Issue Projects: Southern Marin, Tomales and Stinson Beach
Item D-4—Report on Regional Activities and Projects
Item D-5—Report on Federal/State/Regional Grants-Communications Grant Program Status Report