Staff Reports
Executive Committee Meeting – May 11, 2011
Item A-1—Minutes from March 9,2011 Executive Committee Regular Meeting
Item A-2—Proposed Agreement for FY10-11 Audit Services-Maher
Letter from Maher Accountancy
Item A-3—Proposed Second Amendment to Office and Staff Services Agreement between MERA and NFPD
Second Amendment to Office and Staff Services Agreement
Item A-4—Proposed MERA Website Maintenance Policy & Procedures
Proposed MERA Website Maintenance Policy & Procedures
Item A-5—Proposed Resolution of the Governing Board of the MERA Adopting a Revised Conflict of Interest Code
Resolution of the Governing Board of the MERA-Adopting a Revised Conflict of Interest Code
Item A-6—Report on 2010 Refunding Revenue Bonds Reserve Requirement
Item A-7—Confirmation of Bi-Monthly Regular Executive Committee Meeting Dates FY11-12
Item B-1—Proposed FY11-12 MERA Operating Budget and Fee Schedule for Non-Member Users
MERA Mobile and Portable Radios List
Proposed FY11-12 Operating Budget with Exhibits 1 and 2
Item B-2—Proposed FY11-12 MERA Other Budgets & Reserves
FY11-12 Member Agency Bonds Annual Service Payment Schedule
Item B-3—Nomination of Officers for MERA Board (President & Vice President)
MERA Board Members and Alternates List
Item B-4—Report #2 on Strategic Plan Implementation
March 9, 2011 Staff Report to Executive Committee-MERA Strategic Plan Implementation Update